Riding the Rainbow

Солидарност на дохват руке

Шта ако би ваше драге ствари имале потенцијал да поново буду вољене и да имају нови живот у рукама некога коме је потребно?

Прича о пројекту почиње са ТОБОМ
Riding the Rainbow има за циљ да донесе осећај нормалности и независности младим избеглицама и подстакне солидарност у градовима, преко граница и континената.
Наш сан је да створимо нови глобални покрет за промене. Спремни да будете део тога?
Прича о пројекту почиње са ТОБОМ
Јахање дуге има за циљ да донесе осећај нормалности и независности младим избеглицама и подстакне солидарност у градовима, преко граница и континената.
Наш сан је да створимо нови глобални покрет за промене. Спремни да будете део тога?

Наш утицај у бројевима

Иза сваког броја стоји прича. Сваки број прича причу о драгоценој ствари која је била важна за дете и која сада добија нови живот. Сваки број представља младу избеглицу која добија осећај нормалности и нови почетак у својој новој заједници домаћина. Сваки број је дуга.


Срећна деца






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Riding the Rainbow у штампи

Придружите се нашој заједници Riding the Rainbow

Имам предмет за донирање

Спремни сте да дате нови живот претходно вољеној ствари

Треба ми предмет за моје дете

Ви сте родитељ или законски старатељ младе избеглице

Желим да будем амбасадор или волонтер

Помозите нам да промовишемо Ридинг тхе Раинбов у вашој мрежи, компанији или заједници

Желим да будем партнерска организација

Ја сам организација која подржава интеграцију избеглица, промовише спорт, развој младих и/или циркуларну економију.

Помозите нам да одржимо свој рад

Чак и мала донација би нам много помогла да наставимо и проширимо наш рад


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2 months ago
Riding the Rainbow

🌈 A Unique Opportunity for Young Minds in Luxembourg! 🌈
We’re excited to share with @followers an incredible event from our amazing partner organization, the Association Luxembourgeoise pour le Dialogue Interculturel (ALDIC)! 🎨 ⚽️
💡 Introducing: MindArt Boost 💡
These interactive workshops are designed to help young people aged 15 to 30 develop essential skills for managing stress and emotions through the power of art and sport. 💭✨
Here’s what you can look forward to:
✅ 3 creative and interactive workshops
✅ 1 energizing sports session
✅ Individual support tailored to your needs
📅 When: February 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2025
📍 Where: Luxembourg
🎯 How to Apply: Scan the QR code in the flyer (limited spots available – don’t miss out!) or click:
👉 For more information, contact [email protected] or visit www.aldic.lu.
#RidingTheRainbow #MindArtBoost #WellBeingWorkshops #StressManagement #ArtAndSport #SupportYouth #luxembourg
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🌈 A Unique Opportunity for Young Minds in Luxembourg! 🌈
We’re excited to share with @followers an incredible event from our amazing partner organization, the  Association Luxembourgeoise pour le Dialogue Interculturel (ALDIC)! 🎨 ⚽️
💡 Introducing: MindArt Boost 💡
These interactive workshops are designed to help young people aged 15 to 30 develop essential skills for managing stress and emotions through the power of art and sport. 💭✨
Here’s what you can look forward to:
✅ 3 creative and interactive workshops
✅ 1 energizing sports session
✅ Individual support tailored to your needs
📅 When: February 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2025
📍 Where: Luxembourg 
🎯 How to Apply: Scan the QR code in the flyer (limited spots available – don’t miss out!) or click:
👉 For more information, contact lamine@aldic.lu or visit www.aldic.lu.
#RidingTheRainbow #MindArtBoost #WellBeingWorkshops #StressManagement #ArtAndSport #SupportYouth #luxembourgImage attachmentImage attachment

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

As it is called "Rainbow" on one hand and aimed at helping people from Africa on the other one, there are 2 questions of mine: 1. People might think it has something to do with the support to LGBTQ le-wd, fil-thy, vul-gar, ob-scene behaviours as well as agre-ssive attitude towards chur-ches and Catho-lics. Has it? 2. People might think it has something to do with the support to the ra-pes on women and children, kn-ife att-acks, rob-beries, shop vand-alism, car bur-nings so massive recently by Il-legal immi-grants in many cities accros Europe. Has it? No ha-te, no sp-am, no b-an, no sc-am😉 pls, just dialog, and explain why this initiative is different, if it is. Thank you in advance.

Thanks a lot for sharing friends ❤️

2 months ago
Riding the Rainbow

🌈 Riding the Rainbow: A Huge Thank You to European School Kirchberg Volunteers! 🙌
We are beyond grateful for the amazing students from European School Kirchberg who joined hands with Riding the Rainbow to support Care4Calais! 💕
Their incredible efforts resulted in collecting tons of much-needed donations, including:
👕 Clothes
👟 Shoes
🛌 Sleeping bags
⛺️ Tents
...and so much more!
These items will make a real difference to refugees and people in need, providing them with warmth, comfort, and hope during difficult times. 💛
To all the students, teachers, parents and supporters involved – THANK YOU for being the change-makers this world needs. 🌍💪 Your kindness and compassion inspire us every day!
✨ Together, we can continue to make a difference. If you want to support our mission, follow us for updates!
@care4calais @giftabike @afrilanthropy
#ridingtherainbow #Care4Calais #europeanschoolkirchberg #solidarity #makingadifference #TogetherWeCan #afrilanthropy #luxembourg
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Riding the Rainbow

Riding the Rainbow

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