Riding the Rainbow

Солидарност на дохват руке

Шта ако би ваше драге ствари имале потенцијал да поново буду вољене и да имају нови живот у рукама некога коме је потребно?

Прича о пројекту почиње са ТОБОМ
Riding the Rainbow има за циљ да донесе осећај нормалности и независности младим избеглицама и подстакне солидарност у градовима, преко граница и континената.
Наш сан је да створимо нови глобални покрет за промене. Спремни да будете део тога?
Прича о пројекту почиње са ТОБОМ
Јахање дуге има за циљ да донесе осећај нормалности и независности младим избеглицама и подстакне солидарност у градовима, преко граница и континената.
Наш сан је да створимо нови глобални покрет за промене. Спремни да будете део тога?

Наш утицај у бројевима

Иза сваког броја стоји прича. Сваки број прича причу о драгоценој ствари која је била важна за дете и која сада добија нови живот. Сваки број представља младу избеглицу која добија осећај нормалности и нови почетак у својој новој заједници домаћина. Сваки број је дуга.


Срећна деца






Активни корисници

Заједно увек можемо више

Riding the Rainbow у штампи

Придружите се нашој заједници Riding the Rainbow

Имам предмет за донирање

Спремни сте да дате нови живот претходно вољеној ствари

Треба ми предмет за моје дете

Ви сте родитељ или законски старатељ младе избеглице

Желим да будем амбасадор или волонтер

Помозите нам да промовишемо Ридинг тхе Раинбов у вашој мрежи, компанији или заједници

Желим да будем партнерска организација

Ја сам организација која подржава интеграцију избеглица, промовише спорт, развој младих и/или циркуларну економију.

Помозите нам да одржимо свој рад

Чак и мала донација би нам много помогла да наставимо и проширимо наш рад


🌈🚴‍♀️ Exciting Internship Opportunity! 🌈🚴‍♂️

Riding the Rainbow is selecting 4 individuals for a Marketing Internship to teach and implement social media strategy! 📸🎥

Roles Available:

Media Manager: Lead our digital marketing strategy and team.
Videographer: Create engaging social media content.
Content Creator: Master the art of captions and collaborate on content.
Marketing Analyst: Research trends and track success.
Why Join?

Learn valuable marketing skills
Create and manage social content
Enhance your resume with RTR/Afrilanthropy experience
Minimal commitment: only 4 hours/week
Work closely with Emanuel Santi, founder of RTR, and Arya Anand, Marketing Specialist from Amazon. Interested? Email e.santi@afrilanthropy.org to apply!

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! 🌟
Big shoutout to Amazon Luxembourg and our amazing volunteers for levelling up refugee empowerment through digital skills! 🙌 Your dedication shines brighter than ever. Let's keep rocking and rolling! 🌟

with Afrilanthropy ,  Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte , and André Losch Fondation
🎙️ Tune in to RTL Lëtzebuerg radio with @Melissa Dalton show! 📻 Emanuele Santi, President of Afrilanthropy, and Tanya Endshpill, Project Manager of Riding the Rainbow, joined Melissa to discuss the impactful efforts of these projects.
Link in bio ⬆⬆⬆

with Afrilanthropy ,  Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte , and André Losch Fondation
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1 month ago
Riding the Rainbow

🌠At Riding the Rainbow, we believe in the power of sharing and community. While this time of year brings comfort to many, it can also be a challenging period for those facing hardships.

❄️Our “Season of Giving” campaign is dedicated to bringing joy and hope to families and children who need it most.
🎁By donating your preloved items—such as books, toys, bicycles, or musical instruments—you can brighten someone’s life and make this season even more meaningful.
🔗Download the RTR app and join our initiative:

💝Together, let’s share kindness and support with those around us!
#supportlocal #community #DonateToday #Luxembourg #SpreadKindness #RidingTheRainbow #Solidarity #App #MakingADifference
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1 CommentComment on Facebook


2 months ago
Riding the Rainbow

📈We would like to let you @followers know that the Riding the Rainbow student volunteer team has achieved new succes 🌠
🎉Our colleagues are proud that every student who attended and helped to grow our community at the European School's Christmas Market held this weekend🎄
♥️Huge thanks for their hard work and the continuous support of their teacher Anabela Ramos!
🎇We appreciate that they spread the word about our application and help to reach more users who can directly help those people in need.
🙏We are grateful for everyone's donations supporting our mission!
Thank you!

Riding the Rainbow's Team
... See MoreSee Less

📈We would like to let you @followers know that the Riding the Rainbow student volunteer team has achieved new succes  🌠
🎉Our colleagues are proud  that every student who attended and helped to grow our community at the European Schools Christmas Market held this weekend🎄
♥️Huge thanks for their hard work and the continuous support of their teacher Anabela Ramos!
🎇We appreciate that they spread the word about our application and help to reach more  users who can directly help those people in need.   
🙏We are grateful for everyones donations supporting our mission!
Thank you!

Riding the Rainbows TeamImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment


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Riding the Rainbow

Riding the Rainbow

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